
École Polytechnique d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme - EPAU

« Le Moudjahid Hocine Ait Ahmed »

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New concepts in apartment buildings

Type Document : Ouvrage
Collection: Structure.Editeur: Links 2005Description Matérielle: 360 p. Couv.ill. en coul. , ill. en coul. , fig. 25 x 30.5 cm.ISBN: 84-89861-59-5.Mots Clés: Habitat collectif , architecture contemporaineRésumé: The projects in this volume illustrate the latest tendencies in collective housing. Conventional vertical dwellings, buildings for specific groups and residential complexes share a common spirit : rigour, imagination and respect for both the persons who will occupy them and the environment in which they will be located. The works of Frank O. Gehry, Claus en Kaan Architecten, Santiago Calatrava, ... provide stimulating answers, ingenious solutions, unexpected points of view and proposals that will without doubt influence the conception of residential architecture in the century to come.Sommaire:
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The projects in this volume illustrate the latest tendencies in collective housing. Conventional vertical dwellings, buildings for specific groups and residential complexes share a common spirit : rigour, imagination and respect for both the persons who will occupy them and the environment in which they will be located. The works of Frank O. Gehry, Claus en Kaan Architecten, Santiago Calatrava, ... provide stimulating answers, ingenious solutions, unexpected points of view and proposals that will without doubt influence the conception of residential architecture in the century to come.

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