SCHENK , Leonhard ; FRITZ, Oliver ; FUTTERER , Rolo ... et [ all.]

Designing cities Basics, principles, projects - Basel Birkhäuser 2 eme ed 2023 - 355 p Couv.ill. en coul. ill. en coul. plans 25 cm

Second revised end expanded edition

Urban design is based on planning and design principles that need to
meet functional demands on the one hand, but on the other hand bring the
design elements together into a distinctive whole. The basic
compositional principles are, for the most part, timeless. Designing Cities
examines the most important design and presentation principles of urban
design, using historical examples and contemporary international
competition entries designed by practices including Foster + Partners,
KCAP Architects & Planners, MVRDV, and OMA.

At the core of
the publication is the question of how the projects were designed and
what methods and tools were available to the designer: such as
parametric design, in which variable parameters automatically influence
the design and provide a range of possible solutions.

Tools for urban design
Current projects and award-winning competition entries by renowned international practices
A textbook for students and a practical design aid for practicing architects and planners


Rénovation urbaine Design architectural Projets d'architecture Urbanisme