Building stairs Fine homebuilding.
- The Taunton press 2004
- 156 p. Couv.ill. en coul. , ill, fig, photos. 21 x 27 cm
- For pros by pros .
Stairway design and construction is a cornerstone of homebuilding. This is skill in combining safe, solid construction withsuitable dimensions, exellent craftsmanship, and (more often than not)impressive measures of in genuity.Even in the simplest of houses, building a staiway can be a complex project. That's whyè the editors of fine homebuilding magazine have compiled a selection of stair-building articles that covers a broad range of details relating to design, fabrication and installation. It's all here-from simple, site-built utility staircases toelaborate spirals.
1-56158-653-6 / 978-1-56158-653-0
Escalier, construction en bois, construction durable, architecture interieure, design.