REISS, Marcia

Architectural details - Thunder Bay Press. 2004 - 256 p. ill. en coul, croquis

Architectural details is an essential visual guide for recognizing architectural styles and features. Containing over 300 drawings and photos, it covers a vast range of contemporary and historic buildings, from log-cabin and spanish-mission styles through to twenty-first-century high-rise structures.This book examines the evolution of design in domestic dwellings, covering Dutch Colonial, Gothic Revival, Italainate, Beaux-Arts, Craftsman, and Greek Revival styles, among many others.Features such as doors, windows, roofs, columns and porches are outlined in detail to provide readers with a greater understanding of buildings around them.


détail d'architecture, porte, fenetre, colonne, porche, balcon, véranda, tour, dome, batiment public, habitat résidentiel