
École Polytechnique d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme - EPAU

« Le Moudjahid Hocine Ait Ahmed »

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Setting the agenda for a new theort of architecture. IN: THE ARCHITACTURAL REVIEW

Par: Slessor,C.
Type Document : Revue / Périodique
Editeur: EMAP ROYAL 2012Description Matérielle: 98 p. Couv.ill.en coul. 29 x 21 cm.ISSN: 00.Mots Clés: Architecture -théorie- modernismeRésumé: Interssting works of architecture do not reduce themselves to "position" or to theorical slogans ;the library makes explicit references not only to boullée,but to Noah's Ark,confucian theory of concentric order ,the glib line is that the Surrey City cntre library is Hadid on the outside,Guggenheim on the inside.Sommaire: 15-Editorial view16-Overview /Jammes Dunnet explores the Gosprom's restoration;Palestinian heritage20-Mindy Thompson Fullilove advocates the barries between rich and poor to create a healther urban society22-View from Villem Tomiste discorves a new found pride and optimism for the futur in the revitalised capital of Estonia,Tallin.23-View points 26-Stuttgart city library,Germany36-Liyuan Library Jiaohiehe Village China.42-Surrey Society Cenre Library Metro Vancouver Canada. 50-New film theatre of Catalonia
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Revue / Périodique Revue / Périodique Bibliothèque Centrale


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Interssting works of architecture do not reduce themselves to "position" or to theorical slogans ;the library makes explicit references not only to boullée,but to Noah's Ark,confucian theory of concentric order ,the glib line is that the Surrey City cntre library is Hadid on the outside,Guggenheim on the inside. 15-Editorial view16-Overview /Jammes Dunnet explores the Gosprom's restoration;Palestinian heritage20-Mindy Thompson Fullilove advocates the barries between rich and poor to create a healther urban society22-View from Villem Tomiste discorves a new found pride and optimism for the futur in the revitalised capital of Estonia,Tallin.23-View points 26-Stuttgart city library,Germany36-Liyuan Library Jiaohiehe Village China.42-Surrey Society Cenre Library Metro Vancouver Canada. 50-New film theatre of Catalonia

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