
École Polytechnique d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme - EPAU

« Le Moudjahid Hocine Ait Ahmed »

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Gehry, lights up, Novartis in Basel Reiser + Umemoto's, 0-14 Tower in Dubai, Big's 8 house in Copenhagen, KPF's methodist hospital in Houston, Zumthor's memorial in Norway

Par: MCGUIGAN, Cathleen (dir.).
Type Document : Revue / Périodique
Editeur: McGraw-Hill Companies août2011Description Matérielle: 128 p. Couv.ill. en coul. , ill. en coul. , fig. 23,5 x 27 cm.ISSN: 0003-858 X.Résumé: Sommaire: - Steilneset memorial to the victims of the Witch Trials, Peter Zumthor and Louise Bourgeois Vardo, Norway- 8 house, Copenhagen, Bjarke Ingels Group- 0-14 Tower, Dubai, Reiser + Umemoto- Ed Roberts campus, Berkeley, Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects- Building types study 915 Health care : National Center in Heidelberg, Germany Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Houston Mills-Peninsula Medical Center in Burlingame, California- Illuminating Novartis
Type de document Site actuel Cote Statut Notes Date de retour prévue Code à barres
Revue / Périodique Revue / Périodique Bibliothèque Centrale


16090294001 (Parcourir l'étagère) Disponible Cote: 199/08 16090294001
Revue / Périodique Revue / Périodique Bibliothèque Centrale


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- Steilneset memorial to the victims of the Witch Trials, Peter Zumthor and Louise Bourgeois Vardo, Norway- 8 house, Copenhagen, Bjarke Ingels Group- 0-14 Tower, Dubai, Reiser + Umemoto- Ed Roberts campus, Berkeley, Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects- Building types study 915 Health care : National Center in Heidelberg, Germany Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Houston Mills-Peninsula Medical Center in Burlingame, California- Illuminating Novartis

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