Neufert, Ernst
Neufert Architects data - Wiley-Blackwell 2012 - 548 p. ill 30 cm
Neufert's Architects' Data is an essential reference for the initial design and planning of a building project. It provides, in one concise volume, the core information needed to form the framework for the more detailed design and planning of any building project. Organised largely by building type, it covers the full range of preliminary considerations, and with over 6200 diagrams it provides a mass of data on spatial requirements.
Construction, Architecture , batimants
Neufert Architects data - Wiley-Blackwell 2012 - 548 p. ill 30 cm
Neufert's Architects' Data is an essential reference for the initial design and planning of a building project. It provides, in one concise volume, the core information needed to form the framework for the more detailed design and planning of any building project. Organised largely by building type, it covers the full range of preliminary considerations, and with over 6200 diagrams it provides a mass of data on spatial requirements.
Construction, Architecture , batimants